Senior Software Engineer

Senior Software Engineers: Impacting Business Growth and Inspiring Teams

When I started as a Software Engineer, I skipped the internal steps because my initial experience in tech was with infrastructure, not programming. I transitioned into software engineering four years later, and when I finally worked as a Software Engineer, I was very fortunate. My coworkers were exceptional professionals who supported me at the beginning of my journey.

As a Senior Software Engineer now, I strive every day to be like those mentors and positively impact the people I work with. Knowing the business you work in better than anyone else enables you to help those around you and be an outstanding professional wherever you go. A phrase that I always remember to impact the people around me is, always be the senior you wish you had met when you were a junior. This phrase has helped me to be a better professional and to help others in their journey.

This text is to invite you to be the senior you wish you had met when you were a junior. Be the professional who helps others and makes a difference in the lives of those around you. And a few years later, if you follow this tip every day, you will see incredible people, being excellent professionals because in the past, they were lucky enough to meet you, who impacted them positively.

Be the best version of yourself every day!
